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Hello IMA Nashik!!
As I take charge, as the President of this prestigious organization along with my team ,I must assure you that we are determined to build ,an epitome of brilliance.
To enhance the personal and professional accomplishments of our members. We are determined to give our best . I’m confident that we have an exceptional team to accomplish our goals!
When we speak about the team, we speak not only about managing committee, but also about all other wings, all the Speciality associations, past presidents, secretaries , all members!!! Each member is quintessential part of the team.
IMA came into being in 1928 when there was political unrest & the country was passing through a big turmoil. Yet it was a mark of great satisfaction that the stalwarts actively participated in promoting the association. IMA while maintaining its glorious traditions has secured a place of pride in the society .Today however the healthcare system is bogged down with challenges.
The first being lack of quality & inequality. Quality of medical education & thereby quality of medical graduates has deteriorated. We know; but we ignore. Can we afford doctors who could compromise safety of patients? A grim situation indeed that needs prompt attention.
Furthermore our profession points to a class divide. A small pool of highly paid highly qualified doctors, wanting to leave shore’s for better prospects in foreign countries ;the Brain drain & a large pool of mediocre youngsters who earn not more than call centre employees. For work that has no regulations. Adding fuel to fire is the exploitation by corporate hospitals .Dear friends , this is a wakeup call & we at IMA need to address this issue.
Our next challenge : Violence!
“ I have done nothing wrong ; perhaps my death will prove my innocence!“ is the dying declaration of a helpless doctor; a gold medalist! Is this empowerment?? Soldier of a noble profession, Dr. Archana Sharma! Hers was not a suicide ; it is a martyrs death. Death with a purpose; Death for a cause. Please “ Don’t harass innocent Doctors” she begs in agony!! This frightening new epidemic has engulfed doctors from all sides. No place of respect in society doctors face a reversal of identity !! Once upon a time , we were “ Doctor Saab aap Bhagwan ho!!” has unabashedly transformed into “ Doctor Saab aap shaitan ho!” Do we deserve this humiliation? We are suffering & yet we are tolerating. Are we spineless?? Wiill the flames of Dr. Archana die unanswered ??
Will my conscious be silenced unheard ??,br> & this is not the sole incidence!!,br> Can we work with dedication & devotion when the fear is creeping all around us? I am a local leader with limitation’s. But I believe,even a small voice can make a big difference!! My message is loud & clear. Every medico in my region will be Safe & Secure.
No violence!!We areDoctors!!
As the president ,my mission here is to create leaders, selfless, passionate & powerful .
1. Leaders who will work for the rights of the medical community .
2. Leaders Who will fight for justice
3. Leaders Who will regain the lost glory & Dignity of this noble Profession. &
4. Those who will toil for academic excellence!!
Together we can!!
Jai IMA!!!
Thank you,
Looking forward for more interaction with you all,
IMA House, Shalimar Chowk, Nashik – 422 001.
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