01322 314765
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Dear members,
Season's greetings.
I am happy to write this message in the capacity of the secretary of IMA Nashik. Our team took over the reins of our esteemed organisation, when our lives had just started normalising after a long span of two years of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, we are lucky to have our meetings and programs in the offline format. Friends, as the secretary of IMA Nashik I assure you that I will work to the fullest capacity of mine. I will focus on the core issues of the fraternity like hospital registration, violence against healthcare facilities, BMW issue etc.
I will strive hard to look after the welfare of the members which is the main objective of our organization. I will try to involve all the members, in the IMA activities, barring age or speciality.
Friends, with my innovative ideas, sincere efforts and honest intentions I seek your valuable suggestions and active support to make our IMA Nashik,a vibrant body.
Thank you,
Looking forward for more interaction with you all,
IMA House, Shalimar Chowk, Nashik – 422 001.
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